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Couchsurfing with my soapbox

My recent foray to Wisconsin and Michigan had me staying five different homes, hence sleeping in five different beds and eating at many different tables. It was quite an exciting adventure, spent with wide-awake people, and I hope to repeat…

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Catching up

This brief post is used to point out three former activities and one future one. I present them as I live: in chronological order. My July essay at Transition Voice summarizes collapse-related information. I am featured in this article from…

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I don’t know shit

I was in the garden last week, digging a new bed with the aid of the two WWOOFrs, Mike and Karen. We excavated to the usual depth -- that is, until exhaustion stopped us -- then installed a hardware-cloth "basket"…

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Bricks in the wall

The U.S. Department of Defense consumes 360,000 barrels of oil each day. Yet corporate Amerika wants you to conserve, no doubt to save the last drops for the military (to be used to secure more oil). We're being fleeced, folks,…

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Systemic Collapse

Only willfully ignorant individuals are failing to perceive the ongoing systemic collapse of western civilization. Economic recession? Check, since 2000. Economic depression? Check, since 2008. Rampant "natural" disasters? Check, with increasing frequency. Climate chaos? Indeed, only a politician could miss…

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Like an Elevator When the Cable Breaks

According to Mark Twain, "civilization is the limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities." It seems western civilization is just about done with the mindless multiplication of anything, much less unnecessary nonsense. It's too late for a fast collapse of the industrial…

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Demise of the Dollar

The U.S. dollar continues its journey from Brobdingnagian to Lilliputian stature, and the latest trade report is a prelude to the dollar as microbe. The Prime Mover in this case is King Ben, who has the helicopter on track for…

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