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We’re Toast

When people tell me the dire messages about which I write don't resonate with other people, I struggle with a coherent response. Would you prefer continued overshoot on an overshot planet? Would you prefer we keep heating our overheated home?…

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Empire of lies

Benny and the Inkjets are tossing the money around, but it didn't pump up the industrial economy the last time and QE2 will be no better, even if the next version is expectedly gihugic. He's destroying the dollar in the…

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Grifter nation

Throughout the blogosphere, pundits are predicting the foreclosure fiasco will be the tipping point. Instead of death by a thousand cuts, this spurting wound will bring the industrial economy to its overdue close, they say. Those of us who care…

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We are all Tea Partiers now

Members of the Tea Party take a lot of heat, and justifiably so, for blatant hypocrisy. They want the government out of their lives, and they want to retain all the benefits of Empire. Just like the rest of us.…

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Balloon seeks pin

I speak openly about myriad ongoing collapses, regardless how others respond. Among the costs: Rumors of my insanity have spread beyond the institution I departed and throughout the nation's hallowed halls. Apparently I've contracted a rare disease, which explains the…

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Typical presentation

The pages below are excerpted from the presentation I delivered to the Sixth Annual Gila River Festival in Silver City, New Mexico on Friday, 17 September. Click on one of the seven pages to view it. With apologies for the…

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