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Why I Write

I will be the first to register when I see an advertisement for the conference of my dreams. This conference focuses on the collapse of industrial 'civilization.' Such a collapse would wreak havoc on my 403(c), my 401(k), and my IRA. But it might save a few of the species and cultures that have managed to elude our iron fist, and that's worth much more than the few dollars in my retirement funds.
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My Life in Song

I wasn’t born a doomer, nor a social critic. The path was long and imperial, albeit dotted with few indulgences, as least by “civilized” standards.

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WELL, Then

As attentive readers of this blog know, I was in northern California earlier this week, speaking with Willits Economic LocaLization (WELL). And also enjoying the cool environs, talking about fire ecology, attending a Ukrainian Byzantine Eastern Catholic mass, and hanging out on the beach.

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