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TEDx Talk in Tempe, Arizona

I presented a TEDx talk on the campus of Arizona State University on Wednesday, 25 January 2012. The Barrett Honors College hosted, and Ashley Irvin was the facilitator. I gave an autographed and inscribed copy of Walking Away from Empire…

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Couchsurfing with my soapbox

My recent foray to Wisconsin and Michigan had me staying five different homes, hence sleeping in five different beds and eating at many different tables. It was quite an exciting adventure, spent with wide-awake people, and I hope to repeat…

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Systemic Collapse

Only willfully ignorant individuals are failing to perceive the ongoing systemic collapse of western civilization. Economic recession? Check, since 2000. Economic depression? Check, since 2008. Rampant "natural" disasters? Check, with increasing frequency. Climate chaos? Indeed, only a politician could miss…

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C-REALM radio interview

Late last week I was interviewed by KMO for the C-REALM radio show. The resulting podcast runs about an hour, and it's posted here (go directly to podcast here). All comments welcome, all the time. My monthly essay for Transition…

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Another road

by Ed's Apprentice Everybody thinks about his or her purpose in life. I figure going into their twenties most people think that purpose is pretty significant. However, getting out of their twenties -- and I'll be there soon -- I…

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Talking about oil in Oil City, USA

I presented in Austin, Texas, 9 January 2011 under the title, Durable Living: Preparing for Climate Change and Energy Decline. Free and open to the public, the event was sponsored by Design~Build~Live and Crude Awakening Austin, and attended by about…

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Praying for peace, promoting war

A Christmas card from one of the in-laws was unintentionally soaked in irony. I'll skip the rant about celebrating Christ and mass, the two components of Christ's mass (i.e., Christmas) in which I don't believe, much less celebrate. And, too,…

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