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Time to throw in the towel?

I used to talk, and write, about peak oil with considerable urgency. But my enthusiasm is waning. Perhaps it’s time to throw in the proverbial towel, give up the proverbial ghost, switch proverbial horses, or … well, insert your own tired cliché here.

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Engaging collapse

Living in two worlds is quite the challenge, as I’ve indicated before (here, here, here, and here, for starters), and as everybody who’s given it a whirl can attest. The events of the last 24 hours have given me a trenchant reminder. Well, two, to be precise.

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Do the media get it, or not?

Here’s an interesting story, if only to me. I submitted the piece below as a guest commentary (i.e., op-ed piece) to the morning daily in this benighted town.
The editors found it absurd, as expected. Actually, the editor who responded wrote, “there are many facts and statements in your article that appear to be wildly exaggerated” (exaggerated facts?), and asked for evidence to support a few of the statements. So I provided him a handful of links from the mainstream media, at which point he ran away. No great surprise there, I suppose. If you’re addicted to economic growth, as required by newspapers, the truth is damned inconvenient.

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Talk radio: get it while you can

I’ll be interviewed on Charles Heller’s right-wing radio show, Liberty Watch, this weekend. I’ve been asked by best-selling author Steve Alten to join him as he discusses his latest book, Shell Game: The End of Oil, The Next 9/11, The Deception of a Nation. We’ll be on the air Sunday, 1 June 2008, starting about 12:30 p.m. and running until 2:00 p.m., Arizona time (i.e., 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Eastern time). You can call in live at the toll-free number, 1-866-725-5467 (local number, in Tucson, is 790-2040).

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Settling into the new ‘hood

Our first move in 18 years is complete. We’ve moved into a shabby rental house in a great neighborhood a couple blocks from campus. We’re moved in, but not settled in — that’ll take a while longer.

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U.S. economy locked in spiral of death

The U.S. economy is moving in ever-tighter, ever-accelerating spirals. This, mind you, despite ongoing attempts to prop up the economy in the name of staving off a recession by Ben Bernanke and the ghouls at the Fed, Hank Paulson and his gangsters at Treasury Department, and Dubya and his cabal of criminals.

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