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Extinction Event?

The Arctic is defrosting as warm Atlantic waters rush through the Fram Strait instead of skirting the southern coast of Greenland. This is an important event, regardless of the deafening silence exhibited by the mainstream media. How important? First consider…

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We’re Toast

When people tell me the dire messages about which I write don't resonate with other people, I struggle with a coherent response. Would you prefer continued overshoot on an overshot planet? Would you prefer we keep heating our overheated home?…

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Balloon seeks pin

I speak openly about myriad ongoing collapses, regardless how others respond. Among the costs: Rumors of my insanity have spread beyond the institution I departed and throughout the nation's hallowed halls. Apparently I've contracted a rare disease, which explains the…

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Typical presentation

The pages below are excerpted from the presentation I delivered to the Sixth Annual Gila River Festival in Silver City, New Mexico on Friday, 17 September. Click on one of the seven pages to view it. With apologies for the…

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Deconstructing negativity

When I write or speak about global climate change or energy decline -- and often I do both, in the same session -- I am often accused of "being negative." I'm losing contacts on Facebook nearly as rapidly as the…

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High tide of hate mail

The high tide of hate mail has rolled into my email in-box. I haven't had such an invigorating dose of hate mail since I wrote an op-ed piece for Arizona's largest and most conservative newspaper. I thought I'd share, just…

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