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Words to give by

I'm fussy about the words I use. Words matter, after all. For example, anarchy is not chaos, though you'd never be able to distinguish the two based on anything presented by the mainstream media. As a further example, I'm averse…

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The myth of sustainability

I'm couchsurfing Michigan and somebody posted one of my 15 presentations (so far) on YouTube. It's an updated version of my September 2011 presentation in Middleville, Michigan and I'm presenting here without further comment. ___________ A few recent interviews associated…

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Mike and Karen’s Excellent Adventure

by Mike Sliwa and Karen Sliwa We are retiring so we can travel. That’s the official story we generally tell people if we don’t feel like explaining the whole collapse of civilization spiel. Our close friends and those sympathetic to…

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A radical in the Age of Denial

I received an email message from somebody who seeks my participation in a “save Arizona” panel (his name has been obscured to protect the guilty): Interesting blog site, Guy. Sorry to learn about your separation from UofA, I think. I…

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The many miles and frequent pauses reveal to any sentient animal the sheer lunacy of the living arrangements we've built for ourselves. Within the span of a couple generations, we abandoned a durable, finely textured, life-affirming set of living arrangements characterized by self-sufficient family farms intermixed with small towns that provided commerce, services, and culture. Worse yet, we traded that model for a coarse-scaled arrangement wholly dependent on ready access to cheap fossil fuels. Then we ratcheted up the madness to rely on businesses that use, almost exclusively, a warehouse-on-wheels approach to just-in-time delivery of unnecessary devices designed for rapid obsolescence and disposal.
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