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Falling in love again

When I was young, I fell in the love with the girl next door. Well, maybe it wasn't love. But she was lovely and it felt like love, to my young heart. It wasn't about sex, although she was sexy.…

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Preparing in Place

There are various ways to ready oneself for the trip down the peak-oil curve, as well as for climate chaos. Most importantly, as I've indicated many times, is psychological readiness. If you are mentally prepared for a future radically different…

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Couchsurfing with my soapbox

My recent foray to Wisconsin and Michigan had me staying five different homes, hence sleeping in five different beds and eating at many different tables. It was quite an exciting adventure, spent with wide-awake people, and I hope to repeat…

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Partial understanding on planet Easter Island

The recent S&P downgrade of U.S. debt is yet another example of a circus sideshow in a nation filled with clowns sleepwalking off a cliff. Ben Bernanke, the master of ceremonies in the most ridiculous show on Earth, has come…

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C-REALM radio interview

Late last week I was interviewed by KMO for the C-REALM radio show. The resulting podcast runs about an hour, and it's posted here (go directly to podcast here). All comments welcome, all the time. My monthly essay for Transition…

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Or Die Trying

I wrote an entire book on the life of the mind, if you can imagine that. A significant portion of the book was dedicated to the importance of a liberal education, and I've written about that topic in this space,…

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