About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
The Sprawling Dictates of a Maniac Gone Sane: Debt Revolution
by Gregory Vickrey, a consultant in the environmental and political arenas who can be reached at gregory@gregoryvickrey.com.
Who would have thought that the United States government could be lead grassroots organizer in a campaign for sanity and economic collapse? While thousands of us dream of having the guts to pull up to the White House in a standard automobile or the rites of self-immolation in order to start the breakdown for rise-up, John Boehner may be the bold actor we seek for temporary guidance over the most-appropriate precipice of all: “saving the planet.”
Imagine, if you will, reality. Ecological collapse remains imminent without economic collapse; Sarah Palin controlled a relevant climate-political agenda 8 long years ago; Ke$ha sings a song more prescient than any 350.org message; and so many us think concepts of inception that will put us in control, rather than in jail.
That is reality.
“Saving the planet” is in quotes because it is the white man’s burden to take an approach of superiority regardless of circumstance and because it consults this writer’s ego so things make sense.
That is also reality.
And yet here we are, with science and reason on our side, without the foresight as a collective to recognize the gift Boehner and the rest of the United States Congress could bestow upon the planet, and our assumed crusade to do well by Mother Earth.
October 17. Google it.
The most aggressive climate scientists and the most asinine energy whores agree that we are in a world of hurt, facing calamity in number of 11 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius), in feedback loops unbeknownst to humankind, and in rhyme with death knells of up to 200 species a day and acidification of the foundations of all we eat.
No one is grasping it.
As a “revolutionary” and/or “activist” you’ve probably received countless emails begging you to give to and write for and spread the message of your favorite big environmental or civil justice organization during these harrowing times. No doubt you felt compelled to contribute. To do something. To be “part of the solution.” But did you receive word from the desperate mom in the black sedan? Do you know why our brother placed flame to his own heart? Have you discussed over your favorite lager the plight of the plankton? Are you mesmerized or appalled by these ramblings?
These are real questions.
And it disgusts and intrigues me to consider that Boehner and friends are part of the beginnings of a possible answer.
No organization will tell you that. Friends will suggest you are maniacal. Your own “revolutionary” conscience will bend in fear at the thought.
Yet with consideration and science and the boldness within, we know: October 17 could be a day of celebration. A chance. A convoluted, distorted, disseminating way to return to our Mother, and return to ourselves.
A step towards accepting reality.
From Shutdown to Debt Showdown, we must embrace this time and our place to embark by taking a measureable step towards the appropriate collapse of all we know. October 17. Otherwise, the one Mother Nature delivers will defy all of our terms for what is reasonable, and there will be neither place nor time to rue the day we didn’t say, “Go Boehner.”
McPherson’s latest book is available, although it’s as yet unseen by the author. Going Dark is described and can be purchased from the publisher at this link.
After numerous requests, there is a “Donation” tab at the top of this website.