About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
The Worsening Spectre of Global Dimming: A New Interview With Dr. McPherson
by Reese Jones
There is the methane monster; a permafrost timebomb in the making. But perhaps to trump that, there’s now the ominous spectre of global dimming.
What is global dimming? Global dimming is the “darkening” of the atmosphere by particulate matter generated by airborne emissions and pollutants. These particles deflect solar radiation, thus causing a slight cooling of the Earth’s atmosphere. Without this shield of particulate pollution, the Earth’s temperature would rise possibly to a quite hazardous degree. However, this particulate pollution comes with a terrible cost; namely, greenhouse gas production which retains heat, causing the insidious warming of the atmosphere. The guest brings with him a sickening cough.
Solution? Perhaps distributing a constant supply of minute, particulate matter into the atmosphere sans greenhouse gas emissions. That might do the trick. As soon as they come up with this, I’ll be sure to report on it straightaway.
Meanwhile, global dimming now heralds as a quite doleful, doomalicious story …
So, a personal note.
I often wonder how much doom I can take. One sad story after another. But, one can be compelled to pursue truths, and to investigate the outer limits of perceived truths as if a pugnacious habit.
Thus is this discussion with the illustrious Dr. McPherson … an exercise exploring the outer limits of climate possibilities.
This video takes it ALL a step further as we face a seemingly intractable situation — a completely unabatable, lose-lose scenario. Really; how far can this all go?
Does one want to know all these things? Perhaps not; and yet one must, whether for the sake of mad curiosity, or a macabre sense of give-me-all-you’ve-got — an exercise in seeming futility, but then again, not at all.
You see, when it is said that truth will set us free, there could be more to this than initially may meet the eye … if we indeed are beset by global dimming, let us address the situation and free ourselves of the coming onslaught. Let us set our very best minds upon alleviating the situation. If there are no solutions, then let’s live accordingly; quickly, optimally, smartly.
Each day, I must fight to love, to give, to be of value for others and myself. There is a fierce, gratitude-driven joy in that; the taking of each minute as a prize and a privilege. Ravishing of The Minutes, I call it. Doom only enhances the game.
Can I take more of this? Absolutely. Bring the doom scenarios on. They do not threaten; they magnify the resolve. I am impervious; I care, but I do not carry.
The interview embedded below was recorded 16 October 2015.
Thom Hartmann interviewed climate scientist Michael Mann on 10 November 2015. At the 23-minute mark of this video, they briefly discuss me and my views. At 24:30, Mann claims we haven’t passed a single tipping point, thereby ignoring the dozens of self-reinforcing feedback loops I mention in my long essay. And Mann is still sticking to the 2 C political target while claiming it’s a scientific target. He also claims we’re on our way to the Sixth Great Extinction event, thus failing to recognize the abundant literature pointing out the Sixth Mass Extinction on Earth has begun.
Mann is the face of the ultra-conservative Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He’s either ignorant about climate science or he’s lying. Either way, this interview reveals his malpractice.
I sent the information above to Hartmann’s producer, who booked me on his show a couple years ago. I doubt my message will be acknowledged.