About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
Torture and blackmail and wiretapping, oh my!
First Rahm Emanuel — Barack Obama’s chief of staff — said torture is okay, as long as we’re the ones doing the torturing. In a sharp turn toward an ethical position, Obama himself actually concurred with the rule of law, indicating we just might prosecute those responsible for torturing alleged terrorists (which, according to the Bush administration, includes anybody Dubya says … because he says).
Amazingly, this might be the small potatoes for this week’s news. The big news, as yet hidden by (and perhaps from) the mainstream media, is that Congress is being held hostage by the Israeli lobby. There’s no reason to expect the blackmail stops at minor members of Congress. Award-winning investigative reporter Dave Lindorff asks if President Obama is being blackmailed, and concludes with an indictment of Congress and the National Security Agency:
“The American public can, at this point, have zero confidence in the integrity of the Congress or of their own representatives, knowing that politicians and government officials may be acting not in the public interest but rather under duress in the interest of those who control the National Security Agency. We can have zero confidence either in the integrity of the president, who likewise may well have been compromised by NSA surveillance conducted on him before he became president.”
That might explain why Barack’s predecessor shredded the Constitution and ditched the Bill of Rights. And I thought it was just for sport.
I haven’t had any confidence in the integrity of the Congressional or Executive branches for years. Seems I’m ahead of my time, much to my dismay.