About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
Wrapping New Zealand
With big thanks to host extraordinaire Kevin Hester, I’m back in the United States. Thanks, too, to filmmaker Shaun Pettigrew and the awesome support provided by myriad hosts and helpers.
A few more clips will be posted in the near future based on presentations and interviews. In addition, Shaun Pettigrew’s film documenting my time in New Zealand will be available within a few months.
I was interviewed by Paul Shelley for Radioactive radio in Wellington about a week ago. The result is embedded below.
Prof. Guy McPherson Interview by Radioactive.Fm on Mixcloud
I was interviewed by Karl Pierce on 31 October 2014 for Access Manawatu. It’s the first show at this link.
I make a brief appearance in the documentary film embedded below. Specifically, I appear at the 1:10:50 mark for eight minutes.