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Mailbag Addendum

The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos

~ Stephen Jay Gould


I finally received a response, last night, to my email message of 26 January 2019, referenced in this space 6 February 2019. The response went directly to my email Trash bin. Apparently the algorithms for my email program work more efficiently that I do.

In short, the irrationalist in question refuses to use PayPal, in part because the irrationalist in question believes there is a possibility we will return to simpler times with limited electronic communications, and yet a functioning postal service. Thus is the aerosol masking effect ignored yet again. My full response to the thousands of words sent my way:

Your typically bloviated message is unworthy of any response. However, I know you will turn my failure to respond into a widely announced, social-media victory dance. I will therefore respond cryptically as a courtesy to you.

PayPal sends a receipt, thus exposing your excuse as merely an excuse. There is no way I will reveal my address to you. There is simply no telling what you would do with it. As much as I’d like to take the money you will soon owe me, principle precludes doing do.

You might look into two ideas I’ve mentioned in this message, courtesy and principle. After some study, perhaps you could even spread them to other members of your religious community.

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