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The Founding Fathers, Through the Lens of Empire

I've pasted directly below, nearly verbatim, an essay I wrote for this space on 8 May 2014 titled, "Shadows and Lies" (I updated the original essay on 11 September 2015 with a link to the latest report from Architects &…

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The Slow Road to Fascism

Suppose we were planning to impose a dictatorial regime upon the American people -- the following preparations would be essential: 1. Concentrate the populace in megalopolitan masses so that they can be kept under close surveillance and where, in case…

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Resources and Anthropocentrism

Sun Tzu discussed resources as imperative to state power about 2,500 years ago in The Art of War. By the time Thomas Hobbes linked resources and anthropocentrism in his 1651 classic, Leviathan, resources were clearly accepted as human rights. Consider,…

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The Seventh Stage

I entered the sixth stage of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' five stages of grief about a year ago. I spend much of my time in this stage, identified by me as gallows humor. In the spirit of personal growth, I'm moving on.…

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Unspun Radio

McPherson was interviewed by Doug Bennett for Unspun radio on Saturday, 3 October 2015. The show is described and archived here.

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The End of the Planetary Party for Homo sapiens

Humanism is a doctrine of salvation -- the belief that humankind can take charge of its own destiny. Among Greens, this has become the ideal of humanity becoming the wise steward of the planet's resources. But for anyone whose hopes…

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Stupid, Crazy, Greedy, Evil, and Innocent?!

by the virgin terry i think doomers generally have a compulsion to try to understand certain things which simply can't be understood. a good example asks why are sheeple in general so irrational and badly misinformed/misopinionated re. crucial scientific matters…

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