About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
The myth of sustainability
I’m couchsurfing Michigan and somebody posted one of my 15 presentations (so far) on YouTube. It’s an updated version of my September 2011 presentation in Middleville, Michigan and I’m presenting here without further comment.
A few recent interviews associated with my tour of Michigan are posted below:
Walking away from empire, Kristine Morris for Grand Traverse Insider, 30 January 2012
Guy McPherson to discuss ‘Stone Age’ future at Muskegon Community College Wednesday, Megan Hart for Muskegon Chronicle, 13 February 2012
Dr. Guy McPherson, making the case for living off-grid in Ypsilanti, Mark Maynard, 18 February 2012
Yammerin’ interview: dragon party, Penny O’Krebiehl, 21 February 2012
Yammerin’ interview #2: self-improvement, Penny O’Krebiehl, 22 February 2012