About 10 years ago, the film "22 After" was released on YouTube. It's as relevant…
Today’s radio interview (post-interview update)
I was was interviewed today on Alternative Energy Radio, a production of the Shades of Green Network. To listen to the podcast of this radio interview, click here or go to this url: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/alternativeenergyradio/2009/12/07/wwwshadesofgreennetworkcom–the-green-economy-netw
The topic, as usual: the collapse of civilization and the extinction of our species. Pretty serious stuff, I think. But to hear the interviewers, you’d think we were on AM radio during the morning commute with Bobby and Brad, talking about Bragelina’s new tattoos. And, although Bragelina is on the line, Bobby and Brad won’t let them answer the few questions that come to mind.
As usual, the interviewers missed the primary point by the typical 180 degrees. We can save our species, but only by terminating industrial activity, and very, very soon. Their reaction to the notion of economic collapse: We’re all going to die. No, no, no, wrong answer. We’re all going to die only if we do not cease industrial activity. Some of us might live, and our species might persist, if we do cease industrial activity.
In discussing the viability of the living planet, and the prospects for Homo sapiens squeezing through the global-change bottleneck, a little humor is warranted. After all, if you can’t laugh at yourself, and you can’t laugh at the apocalypse, you’ve got dark days ahead. On the other hand, a little humor goes a long way. I’d have appreciated the opportunity to talk about personal options for dealing with economic collapse, for example. Or the interplay between the twin sides of the fossil-fuel coin. Or the importance of securing water, food, and community. Or any number of other factors with some intellectual merit.
How ’bout you? Did you listen? What did you think? Am I too sensitive, and taking myself too seriously. Are my neuroses showing? After all, I tend to think of myself as FINE (Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotionally unavailable). What about you?